To Do

I have a lot of things to do, some more important than others. Since I can’t motivate myself to start anything, maybe listing them will help:
[EDITED 12/3 to try and cross off some stuff. Apparently, it doesn’t work right. Its not worth troubleshooting, so you may or may not see the crossed out stuff. It’s there, but I can’t see it.]


  • Write Prayers of faithful for tonight
  • finish calc
  • pack for trip home tomorrow




  • laundry



        • include ace bandage
        • towels


  • overdue Clancy book
  • Grammie’s coffee mug
  • homework




  • history texts, assignment
  • physics book, assignment




  • laptop, cords




  • mouse batteries




  • Palm
  • church clothes




  • pants need ironing




  • toiletries




  • bike lock
  • prepare room for departure




  • trash
  • lock windows
  • unplug everything




  • remove clock battery (or take it home)




  • leave fridge plugged in, if stuff in it



  • choose core class, register (Kitty)
  • see about time conflict


  • write Philosophy paper (due next Wed)




  • find good source on other side of argument (library?)



    • write history paper (due the Tuesday after next)
    • read Lincoln text


  • read Douglass text




  • read last few chapters in History Textbook
  • update website




  • humor



    • create template
    • add “last updated” script to all pages


  • modify to use written month, like top of navbar




  • update blog



    • add pictures of college to website
      • take general around campus shots



  • reply to post on Alooforum
  • clean desk
  • vacuum




  • write letter to Grammie



  • take a shower




  • shave
  • brush teeth



  • engineering final report
  • sketch
    • work on project


  • Martin, Peter RE tomorrow afternoon (probably not)
  • fix paddle
  • decide on drive for paddle
  • build motor mount
  • wire motor




  • new linens (Mon/Tues)
  • buy new watch/watchband


That’s a thouroughhy impressive list. Now to get started…


Nik had an interesting experience with his debit card recently. He went downtown to pick up an amp that he had purchased before, and he also bought some strings. He paid for the strings with his debit card. Apparently, the machine at the store instructed the clerk to confiscate his card, as it thought it was stolen. He argued about that for a while, but there was nothing to do short of jumping the counter to get the card back, as I understand. So they asked if he had another way to pay for it, and he used the card for the other account, the one he got through Washington Mutual so he could use the ATM here. That went just fine, and he ended up with the strings. So he called his bank later that day, and learned that there was a temporary glitch in Visa’s computers that caused his card to come up that way. Either the card was already locked, or his bank locked it then. The bank will send him a new card in the mail. So this was the state of things when I first learned of the situation (that afternoon).

At some point, in the next few days, he noticed that the initial charge had gone through, before the card was confiscated, and he had been double charged. He called the guitar shop, and the guy checked his records, and could not find a record of the first card having been charged. He then told Nik that “I bet your bank is trying to screw you.” If one stops and thinks about that, however, you realize that the bank is in trouble if anyone finds out that they are stealing money, and what is the motivation for a bank where he has his whole savings to steal $20 from his account?

He called his bank back, and last I heard, they were planning on calling the guitar shop the next day and informing him that the charge had indeed gone through.

I have no idea why I thought of this, as this actually happened about a month ago, and I haven’t yet asked Nik how it went. He got some mail from a bank the other day, though. I’ll have to ask him.

All for now

Website Stabilization

As you may have noticed, I now have a domain name, My website will stay at this address forever, or at least as long as I continue paying for the name. I got it for only $8/ yr, so barring any price increases, my address will never change.

I mentioned the economics of the name on my home page, but I’ll go throught them here. If I were to give you the actual URL of my site (, you would be able to see my site, but if I ever moved it, or if the host closed down or went out of business, that link, and any bookmarks you might have had will just stop working.

On the other hand, there are free redirect services availible, (like my address). They can be re-directed to new websites, and actually, my old address now points to my new website. The problem with this is that either the address makes all pages of my website look like they have the same address, which means that bookmarks all end up pointing to the homepage, or the re-direct sends you to the site(like I had it set up), and then shows you the real URL, returning us to the situation described above. So I got a domain name. All problems solved, adn I feel cool. 🙂

In other news, the man auction was last Thursday. I started writing a letter to the high school staff, and the first thing I thought about was the auction, this is what I wrote:

The Man Auction is Villa’s fundraiser for charity. Each dorm holds one fundraiser for a charity. This year, we were supporting a school of 150, grades 1-12, in Bangladesh. The cost to run the school, house the students (travel is not practical, so they board), and pay all the staff is $9600 for the year. Our goal was to raise enough money to support the school for next year.
For the auction, there were twelve groups, each performing a skit of some sort. Two had live music, one was a narrated slide show, and the rest were skits, dances, or something in between. Each group has also put together a date, which is then bid on. The dates varied in quality, from a home cooked meal and a movie at one end, to a private plane ride to the beach, a sunset stroll, and a starlight tour, by air, of Portland at the other end. Then the bidding begins. Groups of girls bid on the groups, which can accommodate a certain number of dates. Groups ranged from 3-8 in size.

An anonymous donor had stepped forward with a pledge to match, dollar for dollar, anything we raised. That meant that we needed to raise $4800. The first few acts did not bid so well, and it was looking as though we were not going to reach the goal. By the intermission, we were well off track. However, things were about to improve. Several of the acts in the second half received high bids. The single highest bid was on a group that called itself the “Men in Black”
The group consisted of three priests, one of whom is Italian, and one of whom was formerly a professional chef. They will prepare a 6 course dinner, with (live) Italian singing. The dinner is to be given in the house of the University President, in the formal dining room. Needless to say, this date was open to bidders of both genders. They had two groups interested, and ended up at the end offering two dates, one to each group. The final bid was $1000, meaning a cash total of $2000 raised, or $4000 with matching. Other groups also did well, the final group (which included my roommate) fetching $900+. By the end we had raised $8800, for a total with matching, of $17600. No word yet on what will be done with the extra funds.

Last year, they broke all records by raising a bit over $7000.

I’m going to bed.


New Web Address

This is coming slower than I’d planned. Apparently, is not working now, so if you follow that link to my new site, all you’ll get is an error page. I want to use a re-direct so that I can move hosts again if necessary, and not have to change all my links and stuff. For now, just use my Sitesled Address. I will update when I get a better handle on it. I have until Dec 15 bef ore my other host closes down, but I want to get the new address up and running so I can link to it for a month or so.

Unconcious Mutterings, week 2

Okay, I decided to do another week.

I have other stuff to post, but don’t feel like it right now, so here goes:

  1. Small Talk::chater
  2. Evidence::crime
  3. Drifting::river
  4. Hostage::plane
  5. Beauty::makeup
  6. Automatic::car
  7. Asking for it::trouble
  8. Visene::vaseline
  9. No strings attached::falling
  10. Frizz::hair

List provided by :

Unconcious Mutterings

I was exploring the net, and discovered a thing that’ s been going around for quite a while. The idea is that by writing the first thig that comes to your mind after a certain prompt, you tell about yourself. I found a site that provides a list of ten things each week, and will do the first one now. I may or may not try again, we’ll see. Here goes:

  1. Right now::computer
  2. Halloween::candy
  3. Provider::internet
  4. Rescue me::help
  5. Confidence::sure
  6. Fungus::food
  7. Candy corn::pumpkin
  8. Reunion::high school
  9. Winner::race
  10. Tradition::food

Sad News

I just found out that my free webhost will be closing down on December 15. I’ve known that they were not making a profit for a while now, and so the news was not a terrible surprise, but it is really dissapointing. With the webhost goes the forum, which I will miss most of all. There are several regualar posters who I have come to be good friends with, and we won’ t be able to hang out anymore.

Now I will have to find another place to host my website, but that doesn’t even bother me as much as the closing of the forum. It’s strange, they were almost like family. I knew their names, where they lived, where they worked, what their interests were, and much more.

For those wanting to keep up with my website, will always link to the home page of my site, wherever I move it to. For those of you who access my site through my Blogger profile, I will update that link to my new site, too. If you have a link bookmarked that has “Aloofhosting” in the URL, that link won’t work after December 15.


Aaaarrrghhhh! It’s too early!

It’ s WAY too early. Today, Nov 1, I saw a Christmas Commercial. On the first of November! Christmas has already taken over Thanksgiving, but Nov 1! Next thing you know, we’ll be telling kids to be good, or the neighbors won’t give them any Halloween Candy (which they are collecting in a stocking). AArgh!

A good feeling

I got my Physics quiz back today. The quiz had only one problem on it, and it happened to be the problem from the homework that I hadn’t understood very well, but hadn’t yet bothered to worry about. So I spent the first part of the time alloted trying to solve it in a way that I realized wasn’t working. About the time I got on the right track, (as it turns out) she announced” “5 minutes left, you should be well on your way to finishing.” So I rushed though one or two parts, and then wrote down the rest of the process I would have followed. But I was actually stuck, and even if I had another hour, that was all I could have done. I had an equation with the Normal Force, the coefficient of Static friction, and the Friction Force, but couldn’t solve it becaue of too many variables. I finished, thinking I’d failed it, or maybe gotten 6/10.

I got the quiz back, and realized she gives more partial credit than I was aware of. I ended up with a 9/10. The only comment that she made on the test was that I needed the equation max static Friction=coefficient of Static friction*Normal force. (It’s really hard to write it out, so I’ve tried to draw it. See it to the left.) It’s a really good feeling to see that you’ve gotten 90% on a quiz you thought you’d failed. It’s an experience I hope never to repeat, though. That is, i hope I never have a reason to think I failed a quiz.