The nifty thing about being in campus is that there are computers everywhere, and you can find one just about anytime you want to. At least so far…I may be one of the few who have already found the computers. Right now I’m at a kiosk computer in the basement of Franz Hall, and there are five computers here.
Or not. As soon as I finished typing that sentence, two more people showed up, and discovered that only one of the three vacant computers was able to log on to the network. I didn’ t want to stand there making them wait, so I am now in the computer lab, on one of the approximately 35 computers there, of which about 30 are in use–so maybe there are a lot more people using technology than I thought.
My next class is in 15 minutes, and this time, I really DON’T know what to expect. This class, Intro to Engineering, doesn’t even have a textbook, so things could be interesting. I’m told there’s a design competition that takes place beginning early in the year, and that we will be getting groups assigned this week–so I’ll hear more about that today. The class is the same group of people that I’ve met with three times this weekend, so I know all the faces and about 10 of 30 names! See, I told you that I have trouble with names, at least lots at once. Or have I mentioned it yet? I have no idea, but ‘I told you’ just seemed to fit there.
Off to class